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[외국계] APAC 콜센터 총괄 Manager

TRS헤드헌팅2014-07-30조회수 : 41798

[외국계] APAC 콜센터 총괄 Manager



  • 글로벌 금융사



  • 고용형태: 정규직

  • 근무부서: Operation Department

  • 직급: 상무 ~ 전무급

  • 근무지: 서울

  • 연봉: 회사내규에 따름 (협의 가능)


-Manage the regional contact centers (Claims, Consumer (sales and service) across APAC
-Deliver day to day services to required KPI’s , SLA’s to budget , regulatory and compliance and quality metrics
-Manage the relationship with internal customers to ensure service excellence at affordable / benchmarked performance.
-Manage, reviews and improves service excellence through improvement programmes, automation, self-serve and LEAN.
-Manage the regional P&L, operating budget for all contact centre activity (in sourced and externally sourced)
-Manage externally deliver service through OSPs as appropriate
-Benchmark service against external market and uplift internal capability to differentiate
-Define and implement consistent technical architecture to optimize work scheduling, infrastructure utilization and deliver ‘around the sun ‘services
-Manage employee engagement and communications
-Ensure employees are competent, proficient and deliver quality of service at all times
-Manage “supply and demand” effectively across the Region utilizing overflow / effective staff rostering as appropriate
-Manage day to day service delivery across in-house and outsourced contact centers
-Provide thought leadership to support uplift in capability, new site design, client engagement and commercial management of external service delivery partners
-Identify consolidation opportunities
-Establish and communicate Contact centre strategy, governance framework and KPIs
-Assure scope, and approach to all projects (new builds, new service, new channels) within LAR
-Uplift and optimize Tier 3 leadership structure

-Take ownership and plan remediation of audit, issues and controls across Contact Centre estate (review SAQ completion and status)
-Provide input to selection and deployment of technical architecture footprint

-Contact centre operational management (sales and service) and Commercial management



-Real-time thinker

-Large scale people management

-Operational improvement

-Extensive analytical background

-Strong process redesigns focus, and ability to apply out-of-the-box solutions

-Ability to design, create, and implement solutions

-Proven leader of people, through significant business transformation

-Superior large scale Customer Service delivery across multiple sites

-Strong, independent leadership skills to manage and drive solutions; must be able to deliver results

-Demonstrated people leadership

-Strong communication skills – must be able to effectively communicate with global executives, senior leadership, peers, and staff

-Can lead globally located, large scale teams of people through significant operational and personal change



  • 1차 서류전형

  • 2차 면접전형



  • 국문이력서, 자기소개서 & 영문이력서, 커버레터



  • 이메일(sypark@r-star.co.kr)제출

  • 이메일 제목: 성함_생년_성별_포지션명 (: 이름_79년생__회계)을 꼭 지켜주시기 바랍니다.

  • 면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통보 합니다.



  • 박시연 헤드헌터 ㈜더라이징스타

  • 직통전화: 02-518-4586

첨부파일 다운로드

  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유
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