[외국계손보사] Claims
Tech Adjuster (사원-대리)
To assist in the overall claim processing in the A&H
Technical unit:
Receives claim assignments from
manager and contacts customer for provision of service
Recommends policies and objectives
consistent with company’s strategies to ensure efficient operation
Coordinates with outside vendors to
facilitate best strategy for claims investigation and loss control
Collects/manages A&H
claim-related data to monitor performance and in furtherance of loss control
Liaises with other claim lines and
PC’s re specific, work-related, matters.
Actively follows claim &
company management guidelines
Prepares loss assessments and
recommends payment amounts to his supervisors
Settles claims up to her/his limit
of authority
Directly undertakes prosecution or
defense of litigation involving minor claims and defends the company against
complaints involving handled claims, all under supervision
Informs her/his supervisor of
status of any handled claims involving litigation, large exposure, complaints
to FSS, or other issues of management concern/interest
Settles claims up to his/her
limit of authority
promptly informs his/her
supervisor of any special risk circumstances as may be revealed by investigations
Explains claim decisions to
customers when warranted
Prepares LN for review and
distribution by her manager
Minimum 5 years of experience in
Good interpersonal/communication
skills to effectively manage relationship with claimants and others.
Ability to work independently and
as a team player in a fast-paced, challenging working environment.
4종, 신체손해사정사 자격증
보유자 우대
이메일 제목: 성함_생년_성별_포지션명 (예: 이름_79년생_여_회계)을 꼭 지켜주시기
면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통보 합니다.
채용시 마감
박시연 헤드헌터 ㈜더라이징스타
직통전화: 02-518-4586