외국계 보험사
-Work for the operational co-ordination of workflows and SOPs amongst all units
-Review and troubleshoot claims workflow problems related to system and process issue.
-Act as a Claim champion for projects that affect claims structure and workflow, including system related matters, to ensure operational efficiency.
-Review, co-ordinate and liaise with IT Department to enhance and upkeep Claims’ system operational requirements.
-Understand Claims’ needs and requirements viz-a-viz the functional system that are being used system applications.
-Connect Claims’ operational requirements to System support.
-Analyze Claims information from data reports to help identify claims trends and movements.
-Prepare and deliver all claims management reports ensuring promptness and accuracy
-Support the monitoring of Claims Shared Service and Outsource Service Providers.
-Help the department achieve operational alignment and consolidation.
- 관련 경력 7년 이상 (Minimum 2 years of experiences in Claims Operations)
- 손해사정 및 IT 관련 지식
- 손해사정사 4종 (우대)
- Operational Efficiency through Alignment, Consolidation, Simplification of structure, process and system.
- 영어 활용 능력 (Written and verbal)
- 고용형태: 정규직
- 채용직급: 과장~차장급
- 근무지: 서울 종로
- 지원방법: 이메일지원(sykim@r-star.co.kr)
- 지원서류: 국문, 영문이력서, 자기소개서
- 채용절차: 서류-면접
- 문의사항: 김소연 컨설턴트 (02-518-4596)
*채용 시 마감